pirmdiena, 2012. gada 26. novembris

New Green Sun Association calendar - 2013

    Have passed more than nine months at my experience richness European Voluntary Service project and left right six weeks when I will return Back in my native country Latvia!
    During these month I had learned a lot and one of the things - from absolutely zero acquire PhotoShop program what was mine little wish for years, just not really had a chance before.
    Had made a lot posters for local events here at Kézdivásárhely (Targu Secuiesc - Romania).
    And as well newspaper about EVS and our project, what was quite extensive work. You can see it at organization web page -  http://eng.zoldnap.info/content/we-saidwhy-not.
    But this time I wanted to share with my latest great PhotoShop project - Calendar 2013 - for Green Sun Association. In autumn we had photo contest / excibition - "Childs in Nature" after what the twelve greatest Pictures become a part of New Year calendar.
    Here is the link, where can take a look to it - http://zoldnap.info/web/content/napt%C3%A1r-2013. And If there are some one very interested, I can send PDF version by email :) Just let me know!
    As I like quotes and saying about life in calendar has included in each month some personal note about Green Life - thanks to my Dear mentor Katika. Calendar is a bit mixed by languages - Hungarian and Romanian - as I am at Romania, but live in Hungarian (Sekler) community!
    That's my little effort for the Next Year!

Have a Green Day,

piektdiena, 2012. gada 9. novembris

Peace of sentiment...

   Each month one of my Romanian organization volunteers (members) are writing an article how they become an volunteers and what it means for them. These story's are always meaning-full and most parts of it I can attach to myself..
    Today I read these month article and its touch me in a deep way... I have to say in a bit sad way as well... But just for the moment :)

Excerption: My experience is that once you’ve tasted what volunteering is about, and you got involved more than once or twice, you cannot imagine your life without it anymore. You can use much of the experience acquired here, in different areas of life...
One thing is important: you have got to come and try, the rest is a piece of cake. I know I haven’t regretted that I joined the group!
/Bandi Zsolt/
Full version can be read-able here http://eng.zoldnap.info/content/volunteer-green-sun-association-xxiv-bandi-zsolt

    After all... this article bring me to the such a great memories and peoples what I had met during this year... Months and weeks in Romania are melting very fast. And soon I have to say good by, I hate to say good by. But years by years working as a volunteer this is the peace of greatness and sadness in the same time. I had met amazing people from all over the world bringing awareness, experience and different life learning lesson's! And this is the life, sometimes we have to say Good By and move forward to reach new Tops. And I am always thanks-full for the Life and memories what I am keeping in my Heart!
    Thanks to everyone who are reading this... Its means you care and feel what I am saying. Thanks to everyone what I had met in Romania and all over the Europe. :)

    This is just a little indention what came spontaneously today. I still have two months in Romania at my great EVS. After I will move back to Latvia. So we will meet around here! Or in some other time and place.
     You newer know.


ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 4. oktobris

Exploring and developing green route!

    One thing what I appreciate the most in my EVS project "Learning by Doing" are a lot of various activities and events what we had done and take part in. Many opportunities to try new things and make wider view of the world what promote my personal development.
   One of these summer exited tasks was to explore and develop "Nemere Trail" green route! What included three Bicycle tours and we went to put five Info Boards in fallowing villages: Csernáton, Kurtapatak, Kézdiszentlélek, Torja and Gelence.

   These boards aim is to inform local people about existing Green Route "Nemere Trail" and show the map for travelers where the way is going. As well in map is specified mineral water places and historical monuments.
   The biggest Thanks we need to say "Rotary Club Kézdivásárhely" association with who together Green Sun Association put these boards. Mine and Gayane main task was painting and taking care of boys, if they are using correctly all tools and boards are placed straight. As well took a pictures and visit new places around our home Town Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc).

   All idea about "Nemere Trail" green route starts to born Green Sun Association cooperated together with Cholnoky Jenő Geographic Association in end of the year 2010. There are also Info Boards at other five places: Kézdivásárhely, Ozsdola, Sepsibesenyő, Szentkatolna and Zágon, placed at summer 2011.

   Nemere Trail have a good influence on the developing of the society in our region by helping and spreading the news about easily attainable healthy ways of living, and it also might contribute to the development of the local tourism. The complete route goes through around fifty settlements, touching at least 30 different mineral water sources and 187 mansions. It reveals the unique natural and cultural treasures of the Upper Three Chairs and offers a glimpse of the region’s customs, traditions and way of life. The length of the road is 230 km long on the whole, 150 km of which can be found in the area of Kezdivasarhely, and 70 km in Orbaiszek.
   Green route "Nemere Trail" map created Márkos Ágnes.

trešdiena, 2012. gada 3. oktobris

You always have an opportunity!

   Sometimes work in Green Sun Association are real challenge! Even more, when our boss are not excepting any excuse if we are going to do some work for first time and not really know even how to start. He always courage us and say - you have opportunity to learn. This why the project calls "Learning by Doing"! :)
    Also in last weeks I had complicated task to do, but after all I am happy that had this chance to learn and the work succeed. Its not perfect, but sure great for first time.
    I am speaking about EVS (European Voluntary Service) at Green Sun Association (Romania) Newspaper what came out in last week! Me and Armenian girl Gayane have been in our project "Learning by Doing" already 8 months. It is great time with a lot of learning, challenges, opportunities, travels, work, feeling and be in progress till January.
    In Newspaper you can get deeper understanding about EVS in general, tasks what we are doing in our project, more about our Hosting organization Green Sun Association. Read interviews with Me and Gayane, see general information about Latvia and Armenia. A lot of pictures and some articles of our activity events. As well few friends and organization members thoughts about life in EVS.
    This work was challenge all over from beginning while understand how to manage absolutely new program InDesign - till design, creating model, putting information and become to all that look nice for readers! So enjoy it and don't hesitate to pass it your friends!

Here is available Newspaper - "We said: Why not?" online version - http://eng.zoldnap.info/content/we-saidwhy-not
If someone are very interested I can send PDF version by email!

Have a green day!


otrdiena, 2012. gada 2. oktobris

Mini interview!

   Several time in a year came out our Hosting organizations "Green Sun Association" Newspaper! In last one was Interview with me what made one of the vice-president Biró Levente.
   Full newspaper have been seen here (in Hungarian language) -

What kind of feeling is to be an EVS volunteer? What do you like the most about it?
   Day by day I realized that EVS is an incredible experience, which would be hard to get during daily work in my country. This is the way how to show the world - things can be different!

What are some of the new things that the EVS project gave to you?
   This is a way to check yourself. I got out from my comfort zone and got in a place among people whom I didn’t know and situations what I had never experienced before. With EVS you newer know what is after the next corner. I had learnt here to be ready for everything and act fast in new situations. And also everyday is teaching me to except different cultures and people, to be more patient and attentive. This is the experience for a lifetime and I am thankful for this chance!

What made you to choose Green Sun Association as your host organization?
   To be true - Green Sun found me! In the beginning I was looking for an organization in the Balkan region - this side of Europe! For me it looks strange and different... something what I wanted to explore more deeper!
  In Latvia I am a member and volunteer in the biggest rural children and youth non governmental organisation “Latvijas Mazpulki” the main working area being rural development and free time activities for the youth. 
I was looking for an environmental organization here as well,  where to learn more useful things what can I take back to Latvia and also I can invest my knowledge in the daily activities of an other organization.

Which was the best program organized by Green Sun that is the closest to you, and why?
   I like active and healthy lifestyle, to be in the move and to make changes. In this way, the closest to me stands the “Bicycle tour” and the “24 hours running day” organized by the Green Sun Association! Sport makes us alive and grows happiness hormones!
   And as in the last four years in Latvia in my organization I was working with children and youth, I also enjoyed very much the summer camp, which was organized for 20 young peolpe. It’s a great way to show them that life is full of oportunities that can help them to grow as better personalities.

trešdiena, 2012. gada 11. jūlijs

Exploring the bicycle route!!

   When the Green Sun Association made - Nemere Trail - it unite together a lot of nice villages and country roads in one 230 kilometres long bicycle route all around Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) - Romania!
   And also in this summer Green Sun Association organized Bicycle tour through one part of this gorgeous way! One day trip around 45 kilometres exploring mountains, valleys, villages, country roads, meadows!
   And as well hot sun, refreshing rain and cherries from local gardens!
   I enjoy this trip very well.

Bicycle is Freedom, so don't keep yours in garage, but take it out and explore the local routes!

   Have a Green Day!

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 25. jūnijs

Take care of your Four-legged friends!

   Since time I become an Vegetarian feel day by day more attached to the animals and trying more understand their mission in people life's!
   We called dogs as people best friends during centuries - they protect our homes, bring happiness, show the love, are trustful and selfless! But friendship is about sharing and we always get as much as we give (actually more than that)!
   According to all this, last week we had great chance give our effort and to help "Benji Animal Protection Association" (Benji Állatvédő Egyesület) build Dog Shelter at Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) - Romania! I was happy to see that there was so much people who helped in weekend just for pleasure - Because They (We) Care!

   "Benji Association" already keep around 10 dogs in territory of old factory. But it's not enough and as you see we started from naked meadow to build better future for our Dog friends! Thanks to everyone who are helping to do this great job and people who started it!
   There are still a lot what to do, but if people come together can happen unbelievable things!

More info:

otrdiena, 2012. gada 19. jūnijs

24 hours running Day!

   Last week Green Sun Association organized one of the latest healthiest events at Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) - Romania!

   From 9am till next morning 9am all the time someone was running around the stadium circle. No no, its not like that - one person is running 24 hours (its would be too crazy), but peoples was coming all day one by one, parents with child's, school class or friends together to run some circles around to the stadium. But with rule that all the time someone needs to be on way!
   Also during the night people was coming and running and it was great way how to spend healthy some part of day! All participants in the end got a diploma for participation in this event!

   I enjoy wery much this event like part from Green Sun staff and this is good idea what to bring back to Latvia and i also suggest it to the other organizations organized in all over the cities and countries promoting healthy lifestyle!

pirmdiena, 2012. gada 18. jūnijs

Summer season!

   From time when whether in Romania become more warmer and a lot of out door events was opened for participants, also Green Sun Association is moved from Office to outside!
   One of the nicest things what we do in a lo of local events is playing/working with childs in Green Sun - Green Tent! It's the place where child can come and spend the time - make some gift cards, learn origami, make pictures from natural materials, answer to quiz questions about Green life and so on and so on!

   Its the way how we teach to child's new things and let them to be more creative! And it's also way how we can learn new from child's and their lively characters!

piektdiena, 2012. gada 15. jūnijs

Magic in Perkő Mountain!

   One of mine favorite place around the Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) is Perkő Mountain. Not easy to reach but it is worth it - as mountains for me still are like miracle! By bicycle 7 km from our home including travel up to steep hill!

   And I suppose one of the things what make this place so magical is little church right on top of the mountain! I every time left there some coins for me my family and friends and returning back to this dreamy place!

svētdiena, 2012. gada 10. jūnijs

As more you see as wide is your world!

   EVS (European Voluntary Service) project (Support by Youth in Action) is something new for all peoples around here what we meet in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) - Romania! Also most of them dont now where is Latvia (country from where i am) and a lot of cultures is new and unknown.
   Its why Green Sun Association are organizing different - National Cultural Evenings! Great chance for local people and all interested to come and see more about cultures, countries, hear the English language, taste some new traditional food and even dance together new traditional dances from other parts of world!
   During there more than 4 month what i had spend here we had organized 4 National evenings!



TURKISH - Ahmet.

GERMAN - Caroline.

   Events always are rich attended and we are happy about people's willingness to explore the world and meet people from different countries!

trešdiena, 2012. gada 2. maijs

Three Green Learning Month! :)

        After some days will pass first three month while I arrive in Romania to see more, to learn more and to understand more - during the Learning By Doing project in Green Sun Association! Already can say that this is one of my life biggest and unique experience!
    And thanks to all involved who make's my staying here more productive! Work in non governmental organization is something totally different than i had ever experienced in the other jobs! Each day bring new things and new changes. Its never stays the same and that is the most exited part of this volunteering project day by day!

Green Actions!

    As a part of Green Sun Association work is to learn and teach more about various aspects of environmental protection!
    In project Learning By doing its started with "Winter oil and paper gathering" action! People could bring the used household oil, papers, dry batteries, CD’s and DVD’s for recycling! Its the way how we all togehter step by step sorting things could help to save the world from too much trash.

    One of the year biggest and important event what organize Green Sun Association is "Spring Green Days". It is three days long measures with various educational lectures, round table discussion, green organization meetings and other actions what are focused to educate more and more people in local area on enviromental protection and green thinking!

    "Earth hour" was also new and inexperienced action during these month. It is a worldwide event annually, encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. Green Sun Association organize event for all local peoples come together with candles, make number 60 and get to know more about this worldwide action! Event more special make girl who sing Hungarian folk music and guitar player.

    And spring is not spring without "Spring cleaning day". Where Green Sun members come together to clean some theritorie of Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) town!

Visiting the schools!

    Work with child's is usually a bit challenge. Even more in different country where mostly with childs at school is not so easy to communicate in english! Then we use other senses and learn from each other! Child's are clever, active and like to explore the world more than other generations. And what is very important - they are honest!
    During these three month we had visiting several Schools for different activities together with child's!

    National level contest called “Give me soldier, king!” at Nagyborosnyó (Boroşneu Mare) school. 
It was competitions for pupils from 4th to 8th grade. The mentioned age group (10-15) forms the layer which is on the threashold of adolescece, their approach of life and world view still can be shaped, formed. For me it was first chance to see school in small village and to get deeper understanding and view of life in Transylvania.

    As in all Romania was the week - school without the books, representatives from Green Sun Association  visited Petőfi Sándor school in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) to prezent for  5th grade students Green Nemere Trail.
    Nemere Trail have a good influence on the developing of the society in our region by helping and spreading the news about easily attainable healthy ways of living, and it also might contribute to the development of the local tourism. The complete route goes through around fifty settlements, touching at least 30 different mineral water sources and 187 mansions. It reveals the unique natural and cultural treasures.
    After presentation and quiz child's had the chance to ask questions for me and another EVS volunteer!

    During these month we has evolved good cooperation with one of the Green Sun Association member english teacher from Turoczi Mozes School in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc). Within the Week without books we visited 5th grade - taking part in Poetry Contest and learning together to make quilling Cards. And as well presented Latvian and Armenian cultures to students. It was nice to see so big interest from child's during these day and answer to a lot of questions!

    Pupils are so different in each of school and we also had a chance to work with smallest one's from Felsőlemhény village primary school. This was the biggest challenge becose I and my EVS friend Gayane needed to teach childs make origami without possibility to comunicate in one language with them. But as i mentioned before - they are very clever and this was nice day together learning a lot of new things inclooding new paper making from already used one!

Practicing new skills!

    One of the famous thing what i had learned in Green Sun Association is working with program Adobe Photoshop. As we have a lot events it is good way how to practice and make posters about them to inform people and invite to enjoy! It is just beginning of knowledge, but I keep practicing and enjoy the working process!

sestdiena, 2012. gada 7. aprīlis

Easter in Latvian style!

    After my two months life in Romania (Transylvania) become first serious celebration where i can start even more to feel big differences between countries and cultures!
    Till this moment all Latvian Easter traditions for me seems very simple and self-evident, but now i must say - Nem Nem Nem! So let's take a look what Latvians are doing during this celebration!
    One of the important thing what i realize - Latvians don't follow a lot to Church traditions, we have a lot more funny things what we do in these days! :) And Easter is celebration for Spring who is coming and Sun who is rising more than before!
    So everything starts with "Palm Sunday" (last sunday before Easter - in this year 1st of April and in Latvia its not called really Palm Sunday... but day the same). One of the oldest traditions are carried on this sunday is beating each other with pussy-willow branches!

    You need to be the first one in morning who run into the room and beat others with saying in that time: "illness out health in!" (and a lot of other sayings what is hard to translate in English)! Remember this very good from my childhood when we was afraid to sleep long in that day, because mother brought Easter health in early morning!
    In Easter we are painting eggs in onion leaves - then it's become beautiful brown. But its not just putting eggs in water and boil it.. there are very complicated process before!

    We put on eggs natural materials like little leaves, wood sticks, flowers, pieces of coniferous trees also can be used rice, pearl barley and anything else what you can even imagine! Cover all that with peace of textile or thread and just then put in water with onion leaves and boil! :) 

    All this process the most excited part is when can took off all materials and see what left on eggs. Its always a little piece of miracle!
    And after that we are fighting with eggs to find out who have the strongest one and eat it with a lot salt - then we are not telling lies all year! And we have also competition with eggs who rolls it to the longest way! Like in following picture!
    And one more very important tradition ar swinging in Easter! Everybody are searching for some swings during the celebration! Strange why? Were simple... If  you are swinging at Easter mosquitos dont bite you at the summer!

    And in City centres are big celebrations with concerts, souvenir markets, swings, songs and dances and egg competition! The people come together to celebrate Spring solstice when the day become longer that the night! And summer is not as far away any more!

    Ah and i remember that eggs are bringing Easter Rabbit! And parents (but meant rabbit) for child's usually hide eggs in garden or house and they go out and search for them!

    It's a small review how i see and feel my Easter and how Latvians are celebrating it from long past ago! A bit strange in this year to be in Romania and don't find so usual things! But it's good chance to see more and to aware how different cultures are all over the world!
