Each month one of my Romanian organization volunteers (members) are writing an article how they become an volunteers and what it means for them. These story's are always meaning-full and most parts of it I can attach to myself..
Today I read these month article and its touch me in a deep way... I have to say in a bit sad way as well... But just for the moment :)
Excerption: My experience is that once you’ve tasted what volunteering is about, and you got involved more than once or twice, you cannot imagine your life without it anymore. You can use much of the experience acquired here, in different areas of life...
One thing is important: you have got to come and try, the rest is a piece of cake. I know I haven’t regretted that I joined the group!
/Bandi Zsolt/
Full version can be read-able here http://eng.zoldnap.info/content/volunteer-green-sun-association-xxiv-bandi-zsolt
After all... this article bring me to the such a great memories and peoples what I had met during this year... Months and weeks in Romania are melting very fast. And soon I have to say good by, I hate to say good by. But years by years working as a volunteer this is the peace of greatness and sadness in the same time. I had met amazing people from all over the world bringing awareness, experience and different life learning lesson's! And this is the life, sometimes we have to say Good By and move forward to reach new Tops. And I am always thanks-full for the Life and memories what I am keeping in my Heart!
Thanks to everyone who are reading this... Its means you care and feel what I am saying. Thanks to everyone what I had met in Romania and all over the Europe. :)
This is just a little indention what came spontaneously today. I still have two months in Romania at my great EVS. After I will move back to Latvia. So we will meet around here! Or in some other time and place.
You newer know.
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