trešdiena, 2012. gada 2. maijs

Three Green Learning Month! :)

        After some days will pass first three month while I arrive in Romania to see more, to learn more and to understand more - during the Learning By Doing project in Green Sun Association! Already can say that this is one of my life biggest and unique experience!
    And thanks to all involved who make's my staying here more productive! Work in non governmental organization is something totally different than i had ever experienced in the other jobs! Each day bring new things and new changes. Its never stays the same and that is the most exited part of this volunteering project day by day!

Green Actions!

    As a part of Green Sun Association work is to learn and teach more about various aspects of environmental protection!
    In project Learning By doing its started with "Winter oil and paper gathering" action! People could bring the used household oil, papers, dry batteries, CD’s and DVD’s for recycling! Its the way how we all togehter step by step sorting things could help to save the world from too much trash.

    One of the year biggest and important event what organize Green Sun Association is "Spring Green Days". It is three days long measures with various educational lectures, round table discussion, green organization meetings and other actions what are focused to educate more and more people in local area on enviromental protection and green thinking!

    "Earth hour" was also new and inexperienced action during these month. It is a worldwide event annually, encouraging households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour to raise awareness about the need to take action on climate change. Green Sun Association organize event for all local peoples come together with candles, make number 60 and get to know more about this worldwide action! Event more special make girl who sing Hungarian folk music and guitar player.

    And spring is not spring without "Spring cleaning day". Where Green Sun members come together to clean some theritorie of Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) town!

Visiting the schools!

    Work with child's is usually a bit challenge. Even more in different country where mostly with childs at school is not so easy to communicate in english! Then we use other senses and learn from each other! Child's are clever, active and like to explore the world more than other generations. And what is very important - they are honest!
    During these three month we had visiting several Schools for different activities together with child's!

    National level contest called “Give me soldier, king!” at Nagyborosnyó (Boroşneu Mare) school. 
It was competitions for pupils from 4th to 8th grade. The mentioned age group (10-15) forms the layer which is on the threashold of adolescece, their approach of life and world view still can be shaped, formed. For me it was first chance to see school in small village and to get deeper understanding and view of life in Transylvania.

    As in all Romania was the week - school without the books, representatives from Green Sun Association  visited Petőfi Sándor school in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) to prezent for  5th grade students Green Nemere Trail.
    Nemere Trail have a good influence on the developing of the society in our region by helping and spreading the news about easily attainable healthy ways of living, and it also might contribute to the development of the local tourism. The complete route goes through around fifty settlements, touching at least 30 different mineral water sources and 187 mansions. It reveals the unique natural and cultural treasures.
    After presentation and quiz child's had the chance to ask questions for me and another EVS volunteer!

    During these month we has evolved good cooperation with one of the Green Sun Association member english teacher from Turoczi Mozes School in Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc). Within the Week without books we visited 5th grade - taking part in Poetry Contest and learning together to make quilling Cards. And as well presented Latvian and Armenian cultures to students. It was nice to see so big interest from child's during these day and answer to a lot of questions!

    Pupils are so different in each of school and we also had a chance to work with smallest one's from Felsőlemhény village primary school. This was the biggest challenge becose I and my EVS friend Gayane needed to teach childs make origami without possibility to comunicate in one language with them. But as i mentioned before - they are very clever and this was nice day together learning a lot of new things inclooding new paper making from already used one!

Practicing new skills!

    One of the famous thing what i had learned in Green Sun Association is working with program Adobe Photoshop. As we have a lot events it is good way how to practice and make posters about them to inform people and invite to enjoy! It is just beginning of knowledge, but I keep practicing and enjoy the working process!

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