otrdiena, 2012. gada 2. oktobris

Mini interview!

   Several time in a year came out our Hosting organizations "Green Sun Association" Newspaper! In last one was Interview with me what made one of the vice-president Biró Levente.
   Full newspaper have been seen here (in Hungarian language) -

What kind of feeling is to be an EVS volunteer? What do you like the most about it?
   Day by day I realized that EVS is an incredible experience, which would be hard to get during daily work in my country. This is the way how to show the world - things can be different!

What are some of the new things that the EVS project gave to you?
   This is a way to check yourself. I got out from my comfort zone and got in a place among people whom I didn’t know and situations what I had never experienced before. With EVS you newer know what is after the next corner. I had learnt here to be ready for everything and act fast in new situations. And also everyday is teaching me to except different cultures and people, to be more patient and attentive. This is the experience for a lifetime and I am thankful for this chance!

What made you to choose Green Sun Association as your host organization?
   To be true - Green Sun found me! In the beginning I was looking for an organization in the Balkan region - this side of Europe! For me it looks strange and different... something what I wanted to explore more deeper!
  In Latvia I am a member and volunteer in the biggest rural children and youth non governmental organisation “Latvijas Mazpulki” the main working area being rural development and free time activities for the youth. 
I was looking for an environmental organization here as well,  where to learn more useful things what can I take back to Latvia and also I can invest my knowledge in the daily activities of an other organization.

Which was the best program organized by Green Sun that is the closest to you, and why?
   I like active and healthy lifestyle, to be in the move and to make changes. In this way, the closest to me stands the “Bicycle tour” and the “24 hours running day” organized by the Green Sun Association! Sport makes us alive and grows happiness hormones!
   And as in the last four years in Latvia in my organization I was working with children and youth, I also enjoyed very much the summer camp, which was organized for 20 young peolpe. It’s a great way to show them that life is full of oportunities that can help them to grow as better personalities.

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