pirmdiena, 2012. gada 25. jūnijs

Take care of your Four-legged friends!

   Since time I become an Vegetarian feel day by day more attached to the animals and trying more understand their mission in people life's!
   We called dogs as people best friends during centuries - they protect our homes, bring happiness, show the love, are trustful and selfless! But friendship is about sharing and we always get as much as we give (actually more than that)!
   According to all this, last week we had great chance give our effort and to help "Benji Animal Protection Association" (Benji Állatvédő Egyesület) build Dog Shelter at Kézdivásárhely (Târgu Secuiesc) - Romania! I was happy to see that there was so much people who helped in weekend just for pleasure - Because They (We) Care!

   "Benji Association" already keep around 10 dogs in territory of old factory. But it's not enough and as you see we started from naked meadow to build better future for our Dog friends! Thanks to everyone who are helping to do this great job and people who started it!
   There are still a lot what to do, but if people come together can happen unbelievable things!

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