pirmdiena, 2012. gada 27. februāris

Foxes group at Arrival training!

    Firstly i was thinking, what we are going to do 6 days in training, are there realy so much what to speak about EVS!? But days running very fast and it was full with adventures and interesting tasks!
From the beginning!
    According to the Youth in Action Programme Guide, all volunteers have the right and responsibility to attend EVS training sessions in order to receive information about the European Voluntary Service, support during their service and tools that will help them achieve as much as possible in the time of their service.
    So... me and twelve other EVS volunteers who are recently arrived in Romania took together in beautiful mountain town Predeal!

    As you know in Latvia we don't have a mountains like here in Romania. Highest point in my country are 312 meters (we can not say that its even a mountain). It's why I am looking here around with open mouth! :) And enjoy the landscape!
    Predeal are just 80 kilometres from my home town Târgu Secuiesc, so it wasnt wery long trip in this case!
    This seminar helped understand more why we are here and how to do our best during the project!
    It was also a great chance to meet people from all over the world: Argentina, France, Peru, Uruguay, Spain, Turky, Nigeria, Germany, Austria and Armenia! In international cultural evening we introduce everyone with our cultures and dance some national dances. During the European Voluntary service is very important learn to live together with people from different countries, accept a lot of differences between cultures and personal characters.
    For me it's also the way how get to know more about myself and my abilitys. By the time become more understandable for another... and as more as we are seeing and experiencing, as more capable and flexible we can become!
    As i noticed Arrival Training is important start for all EVS volunteers. Help to find the answers of any interested questions and trainers also teach more about country where we are going to live and introduce with specific cultural features.
    For example this great sign before forest! I need to say again - as you know in Latvia we dont have bears! Not at all! None! So i am seriously afraid at the moment! :) And i am pretty sure that I will run like crazy if i will meet any bear... against all what you said about it! :D

    We had great time together and we all are here for many different reasons!
So good luck to everyone during this adventure! I wish you unbelievable brave to reach dreams step by step!
    See you soon!

trešdiena, 2012. gada 15. februāris

Life through Latvian 4H club!

    As I am new one here in Romania (Kézdivásárhely) and meet a lot of new people, its would be interesting to tell more about me!
    Organization in which I am member in Latvia are "Latvijas Mazpulki", but in English and more familiar title in Europe are Latvian 4H club (Its international organization who born in United Stated, but now are all over the world)! 4H means - Head - Heart - Hands - Heals! These are four important things which we cultivate through organizations work.

    "Latvijas Mazpulki" is the biggest rural children and youth non govermental organisation in Latvia. It was founded in 1929 (at the soviet times it was forbidden, but now again restored).
    We have aproximately 1500 members in more than 100 local clubs in all regions of Latvia. The main idea is learning by doing and every member younger than 18 has to do his own project every year. Our members mainly are in age from 8-18. Local clubs are lead by midle aged teachers. As our local clubs are located in towns and vilages in rural areas a lot of activities are bound to rural life. But also we are open to new ideas like green thinking and enviroment protection. 
    We have Riga 4H club which is a group of volunteers. There are 30 members and most of them are students now but before that they were members of the local clubs. Riga 4H club is doing all the planing and organising for "Latvijas Mazpulki" national level events. Every year we have summer camp, annual spring conference, four autumn forums in different regions of Latvia and also a lot of other events. Mainly we are working with our members but sometimes we do activities for wider society like visiting children and youth centre and leading games and other educational activities.

    I am part of Riga 4H club already more than 4 years and before as my mother is local club teacher (leader) I am member to this organization since I remember myself (Its around 16 years ago). As I said to Katalina (my mentor), I even have no idea how it is not to be in some organization and learn through informal education!
    Its my lifestyle and through "Latvijas Mazpulki" I am grow up, do a lot of interesting things in Latvia and also see the world and different cultures in International seminars and training's.
    And also come here to Romania as EVS volunteer to be part in Green Sun association (Zöld Nap Egyesület) in this year!

    P.S. About me out of organization - in last summer I graduated The University College of Economics and Culture and now i have - Professional Bachelor’s Degree in Cultural Management!
    Born in city Sigulda, but last 4 years studying and living in capital of Latvia - Riga. In school age was dancing in folk dance ensemble "Vizbulīte". Like to read books and drive by bicycle.
     Always to be in move and get to know new things!

Have a green day!

piektdiena, 2012. gada 10. februāris

Have a green day!

  It was dark night when I together with my new Armenian friend Gayane come to our home town Kézdivásárhely!
   Flight was fast and we find easily train station and continue our trip from Buchareste to Sepsiszentgyörgy.

   Before I arrive I already have a good impression about Green Sun asociation. We had a good contact with Attila (head of organization) and Katalina (our mentor) and a lot of new friends at Facebook which we slowly start to know in alive! Its why I was quite sure that everything will be good at new place and don't worried a lot!

   Even more when we saw two Attilas waiting for us at train station with this nice poster! (now it is decorate our apartment main wall)! It was around 3 o'clok at night - cold outside, but warm at heart! :)

   I can say that after first days here.... I realy start to feel like at home! Our apartment are very warm and homy (AND big hug and thanks to everyone who helps to decorate and makes it like now). Peoples are so open and friendly here. As we are first EVS volunteers in Kézdivásárhely, a lot of are interested and its nice to feel it.
   At the moment we mostly get to know city, organization and new peoples around. But soon we will start to work at Green Sun Asociation deeply at all green and good things what they are doing!

Keep in touch!

trešdiena, 2012. gada 8. februāris

Some years ago...

    It isn't accidental that I decide to come exactly to Romania!
I remember very strongly from my past one situation which, in my thought, bring me again to this beautiful country.
    Before five years I with my family and excursion group crossed Europe from Latvia to Greece by bus. It was winter time between Christmas and New Year. The weather was similar like at the moment with a lot of snow and sunny!
    And I remember how I was sitting in bus and looking out of the window while we driving through Romania! As we in Latvia don't have mountains like here, any city in mountain valley was looking for me like a miracle. In that trip I didnt have a chance to get to know Romania and peoples who are living here, but it seems wery interesting to me!

    And i promised to myself one day come back and get to know more this wonderful and different country!
    So here I am!